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Unreal Tournament Greybox Map - Chasms and Doom

Level Designer
This was a school assignment in my second year of the Game Design program of a greybox level inspired by the Lord of the Rings Moria sequence. The designers were challenged with making an Unreal Tournament map inspired by 1 of 4 well known pop culture shows/movies. This project was my first attempt at making a level for a FPS multiplayer game.

While concepting the map's features when making the LDD, I identified the most recognizable parts of the Moria sequence and combined them into one space to have the level be inspired and not copy. I also had to find a balance between making the space resemble the inspiration while also making it playable. Being a FPS, keeping things like metrics, sightlines, and consumable/weapon pickup locations in mind presented a new challenge and learning experience from making this level.
First Person Shooter, Competitive Multiplayer

Screenshots of Final Greybox 

Concept Sketches

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